By the time Madison was three months old, her parents had real concerns about the shape of her head. When she was five months old, they decided to make their first appointment with Steve Mottram at Technology in Motion after researching.
At the initial consultation, Maddie was asked to trial the new TiMbandAir helmet, Kim, Maddie's Mum, said: "We did wonder whether the new helmet would produce results as good as the tried and tested one they had been using for years, but we didn't need to worry!"
"We are delighted with the improvement the TiMbandAir has made and how it has helped Maddie achieve all that she has so far. We can't thank Steve and the team enough for the massive difference this will make to our daughter's future well-being. It's the best decision we have ever made."
Maddie's flat head syndrome fell into the category of severe when her treatment started in September 2019 and finished in mild in January 2020 after 18 weeks of helmet wear. Kim stated "we could see changes within a week of her starting to wear the TiMbandAir helmet."
Maddie's parents noticed that before the treatment began, Maddie hated wearing anything on her head and both were worried about how she would react to wearing the helmet. However, Kim commented that "she took to the helmet extremely well and she doesn't even seem to notice it's there. The helmet's increased airflow has ensured our daughter has remained comfortable with very little sweating, even when she is at her most active."
In addition, both parents were impressed by the TiMbandAir; being extremely lightweight, they noticed it did not affect Maddie lifting her head, learning to sit and shortly after learning to walk. "We are delighted with the improvement the TiMbandAir has made and how it has helped Maddie achieve all that she has so far. We can't thank Steve and the team enough for the massive difference this will make to our daughter's future well-being. It's the best decision we have ever made."
If you are experiencing a growing concern in regards to flatness in your own child's head, then please call us on 0330 100 1800 to book a free, no-obligation pre-assessment at your nearest clinic. Find out more about our latest helmet the TiMbandAir and its benefits.