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Recent features for Technology in Motion

Latest highlights in Technology in Motion
We are thrilled to share with you that Technology in Motion have been featured in two prestigious publications: Northern Insights Magazine and My Baba. These features shine a spotlight on our commitment to providing parents with the latest advancements in child-friendly technology in plagiocephaly and flat head syndrome treatment, ensuring that families can embrace helmet therapy with confidence and peace of mind.

Northern Insights Magazine

With a focus on family-centric topics, Northern Insights Magazine has established itself as a trusted source for parents seeking informative and engaging content. Covering a wide range of subjects including education, health, and technology, the magazine aims to provide readers with valuable insights and expert opinions.

Technology in Motion featured as the cover story for June's edition of the magazine.


My Baba

My Baba is a popular parenting website that offers valuable information and advice to new and expecting parents. The website covers topics ranging from health and nutrition to baby gear and child development. In addition to articles and guides, My Baba also provides a community forum where parents can connect and share their own experiences.

The full article sheds light on the causes, symptoms, and prevention of the syndrome, which is caused by an infant's sleep position and can cause a flat spot on one side or the back of the head.


To stay up to date with the latest Technology in Motion updates, follow our Facebook page, where we share the latest informative content, product updates, and expert advice. Additionally, checking our blog regularly ensures access to the most recent developments in our helmet technology, as well as tips and recommendations on looking after your baby as they embark on their helmet journey.

For concerned parents seeking advice on flat head syndrome or the treatment we offer, please reach out to us for a complimentary pre-assessment of your baby's flat head syndrome, ensuring you receive the guidance and support you need.

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