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Why TiMbandAir?

We are the #1 provider of cranial remoulding orthoses in the UK with over 95% satisfaction rate reported by the parents of infants that we treat or advise.

With a remarkable success rate, we have successfully treated over 15,000 infants in the UK and internationally, making us the leading provider worldwide.

The Technology in Motion team is led by the UK’s leading clinicians in the field of flat head syndrome correction. In 2003, we personally introduced cranial remoulding to the UK and in 2009 developed our TiMband system.

With over 10 years of experience in cranial remoulding treatment and fabrication, we are contacted by over 1,000 parents each year, offering advice and treatment in our clinics with the TiMbandAir. Our services are available across the UK and Ireland and we are associated with a wide network of international clinics and providers, ensuring that we are at the forefront of research and development in the field of cranial remoulding.


Why TiMbandAir?

Introducing the most advanced 3D printed cranial remoulding orthosis, the TiMbandAir. It offers easy usability, precise fitting, effortless cleaning, and optimal comfort for your baby. With its breathable design, lightweight construction (up to -50% lighter than traditional models), and thin shell, the TiMbandAir ensures improved comfort and reduced skin issues. Research proves its effectiveness in treating severe head shape deformities, making it the preferred choice for controlled results and improved compliance.

Our 3D-printed cranial orthotics are the most advanced models available, and can be custom-made to fit your child perfectly without delays.


The TiMbandAir is:

  • Custom-made with accurate fitting for each baby
  • Easy to use and easy to clean
  • Breathable, with perforations to promote ventilation and reduce sweating
  • Up to 50% lighter than traditional models
  • Thinner shells than traditional models, with each layer individually designed to provide strength, flexibility and comfort
  • Reduced skin issues (up to 90% fewer)
  • Controlled results & improved compliance
  • Winner of the Red Dot Best of the Best Award


Why TiMbandAir?

Feature / Benefits
TiMbandAir Logo
3D printed product
Treating head shape deformities since 2005
Nationwide clinic locations
Clinical experience of over 70 years
Finance available
Working with major charities
Working with all major UK craniofacial units
Treat patients internationally
Remote treatment availability
Corrects using a stable shell adjustable to baby's growth

*Not desirable in treatment

If you would like to enquire about getting a TiMbandAir, please get in touch.